
Building Celte

Start by cloning celte-systems.

Celte is written in C++ using vcpkg to handle its external dependencies. If you are working on linux, you can build the binaries using the provided docker file at the root of the repository.

How to build using CMake

The build system uses CMake and VCPKG. Make sure you have those two installed before proceeding. Additionally, make sure that the env variable VCPKG_ROOT is defined in your environment, and that it points to the install folder of VCPKG.

If you want to integrate Celte into a godot project and wish to setup the build system automatically, run the following command from the root of the repository:

./automations/setup_repository.sh path/to/gdproj

The argument of this command should point to the root folder of the godot project that you wish to use Celte with. It will make sure that, upon running the make install command, all Celte dependencies are copied to path/to/gdproj/bin/deps so that they can be exported alongside your game project.

If you wish to build Celte manually, make sure that:

Then run the following command in the terminal:

mkdir build && cd build && cmake --preset default .. -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=path/to/gdproj

How to build Godot

Check out this documentation to learn how to build your godot project using the celte extension.