
Hooks: how to set a hook with a custom function


In the function _ready() of the script, we can set the hook with the function we want to use. We can set the hook as follows:


Be careful to check if the hook is for the client or the server. You need to set the hook in the right place.

        if OS.has_feature("server"):

Your custom function

You can define your custom function as follows:

func onSpawnPositionReq(clientId):
	var spawn_location_name = "leChateauDuMechant"
	var x = 2.0
	var y = 1.0
	var z = 0.0
	return [spawn_location_name, clientId, x, y, z]

The function must return what the hook expects and take as parameters what the hook expects. In this case, the hook expects a clientId and returns an array with the spawn location name, the clientId, and the x, y, z coordinates.