
Docker : how to run Celte in a dockerized environment

Celte is designed to run in a dockerized environment. This is a brief overview of how Celte is designed to run in a dockerized environment.

Docker kafka

Celte uses kafka as a communication protocol. To run kafka in a docker container, you can use the following command:


This script will run a docker container with the latest version of kafka. The script is located in the kafka folder of the Celte repository. It will get the current IP of the machine and set the DOCKER_HOST_IP environment variable accordingly. This is necessary for the Celte server to connect to the kafka server. If you decide to run directly with docker-compose up, the ip will be used by default.

Docker Celte SDK

To run the Celte SDK in a docker container, you can use the following command from the root of the Celte repository:

to build the container from a ARM64 machine

docker buildx build --platform linux/amd64 -t [NAME_OF_YOUR_IMAGE] . --output type=docker

to build the container from a x86 machine

docker build -t [NAME_OF_YOUR_IMAGE] .

to run the container

docker run -v $(pwd):/workdir -e CELTE_CLUSTER_HOST="[YOUR_LOCAL_IP]" -it [NAME_OF_YOUR_IMAGE] /bin/bash

note: [YOUR_LOCAL_IP] is the IP of your machine, you can get it by running ifconfig in a terminal. It is the same that you used to run the kafka container.

then you can run the SDK with the following command:

cd /workdir
cmake --preset default ..
make -j